On June 13th, 2024 a 16-month-old boy choked on the tip of a syringe resulting in a total obstruction. Protocol was followed but was unsuccessful. LifeVac removed the obstruction on its third use. The child’s mother describes the incident as follows:
“He found one of those medical syringes and got the black stopper off, I’m assuming he went to swallow it but it got stuck in his airway. I started back thrusts and although it moved the part a little, it caused his airway to fully block. We had JUST moved (literally 3 days ago) and thankfully I was unpacking and placed our device on the fireplace until our kitchen was done and it could go back on the fridge. Having this device SAVED MY SONS LIFE! I’m a medical trained professional and I could not free the object. Everyone we know is now getting one of these as gifts. LifeVac 100% saved his life!”