On February 20, 2024, a 32-year-old female choked on medication resulting in a total obstruction. BLS protocol was performed but failed. LifeVac successfully dislodged the obstruction on the second attempt. Her husband is a registered nurse and assessed her.
“I truly believe if we did not have this LifeVac, I would have died in the middle of our kitchen in front of our 4 young children. I could not breathe, I could not speak, I could not stand, I could not cough, I could not drink, back blows did nothing, nothing worked. My husband (who is a registered nurse, BLS and ALS certified) was finally able to make the connection that I was pointing to the cabinet and looked to see what I was pointing at and immediately opened it up and put it on me. Within 2 quick attempts, the pill was up into my mouth and I could breathe again.”
I am okay now, still a little shaken up over it. It is so difficult to process the fact that if we hadn’t had the LifeVac here, I might not have been here today to write this email. My entire life could have been taken from me right in front of my kids and husband in an instant like that.
I am just so grateful my husband was home and knew how to use the LifeVac.
I have used the LifeVac on one of my kids, after he choked on a little chunk of a hot dog last year.”
Rebecca S
1200th life saved – my son