On December 23, 2023, an 8-month-old boy, choked on a foil candy wrapper resulting in a partial blockage. All choking rescue options failed. LifeVac successfully removed the obstruction on the first attempt.
“I am so grateful that we had your device on hand, things could’ve ended much differently!
My oldest son had gotten into some Hershey kisses (as toddlers do) & my husband didn’t realize one of the wrappers didn’t make it into the trash, He put it in his mouth (as babies do) and it became lodged. I attempted back blows first while my husband retrieved our LifeVac!
It all happened so quickly and we are so lucky that we had our LifeVac in this instance, we had both used the practice mask & knew exactly where it was and how to work it. On the first try the foil became dislodged and we were able to get it out from there!
What’s crazy is I purchased a LifeVac as soon as I started my oldest son on solids, I always thought that if we ever needed to use the device it would be due to choking on food, it wasn’t & I don’t think I ever expected that to be the case!I couldn’t imagine what would have happened otherwise, it was truly a parent’s worst nightmare happening right in front of us!”
Again, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for all that you do. Y’all are AWESOME.”
Sydney T