Study tips for children

Top 9 Study Tips for Children: Helping Your Kids Succeed

As a parent, helping your child develop good study habits is essential for their academic success. Whether they’re just starting school or moving into more advanced grades, creating a supportive environment and encouraging effective study techniques can make a big difference. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore some top study tips that will help your child focus, learn and enjoy the process of studying. These tips are designed to be practical and adaptable to your child’s individual needs.

1. The Most Important Study Tip: Understand Your Child’s Learning Style

During study sessions, try to understand your child’s learning style. Every child is different. Some children might learn effectively by reading or writing, while others may prefer listening to explanations or engaging in hands-on activities. Pay attention to which methods resonate most with your child. Understanding this can help your child approach their studies in a way that makes sense to them, ultimately making learning more enjoyable and effective.

2. Encourage Your Child to Pay Attention in Class

One of the key study tips is to help your child understand that effective learning starts in the classroom. Explain to them that by paying attention, asking questions and taking good notes during lessons, they set the foundation for easier and quicker studying at home. When children focus in class, their homework becomes simpler, and study sessions take less time, making the entire process more efficient and less stressful.

If your child struggles to pay attention in class due to distractions or difficulty seeing the board, it’s important to address these issues promptly. Ensure they have a suitable seat in the classroom, and if necessary, speak to the teacher about any adjustments that could help them focus better. The more engaged they are in class, the easier it will be for them to apply these study tips effectively at home.

Kids pay attention in Chemistry class

3. Create a Comfortable, Distraction-Free Study Space

A key study tip for creating a productive environment is to set up a designated study space that is both comfortable and free from distractions. A cluttered desk or noisy environment can quickly derail focus, making it harder for your child to absorb information. Incorporating this study tip can drastically improve your child’s ability to concentrate.

  • Choose a quiet area: Find a spot in your home that is away from high-traffic areas and noise.
  • Minimize distractions: Keep gaming consoles, toys, mobile phones and other distractions out of the study space.
  • Focus on comfort: Make sure the study space includes a comfortable chair with proper back support and a desk that is at the right height. Sitting at a table rather than on a couch or bed can help maintain better focus and posture.

These study tips ensure that your child has an environment that supports their learning.

4. Remove Distractions for Better Focus

Eliminating distractions is another essential study tip that can significantly improve your child’s concentration. For young children, distractions can easily pull their attention away from studying.

  • Limit screen time: Keep cell phones, TVs and other screens out of the study area unless they are being used for educational purposes.
  • Turn off notifications: If your child needs to use a phone or tablet for studying, make sure to turn off notifications that could tempt them to start scrolling through social media.
  • Set boundaries with siblings: If your child has siblings, it might be helpful to create a schedule where each child has quiet time for studying without interruptions.

5. Make a Study Schedule

Planning is key when it comes to successful studying. One of the most practical study tips is to create a study schedule that fits around your child’s other activities and responsibilities but also lets them have time to relax in between. 

  • Work together: Sit down with your child and create a study schedule that considers their extracurricular activities and family commitments.
  • Be flexible: While it’s important to have a study schedule, it’s equally crucial to remain flexible. Listen to your child’s needs—if they’re too tired or feeling overwhelmed, forcing them to stick to the plan might not be productive. In such cases, try to find a way around it, whether by adjusting the study time or allowing them a break. If they’re too tired, they likely won’t study effectively, and it could end up being a waste of time for both of you.
  • Set priorities: Encourage your child to focus on subjects or topics that need the most attention and schedule more time for these.

A well-planned study schedule helps prevent last-minute cramming and reduces stress, ensuring that studying becomes a regular part of your child’s routine. These study tips help in creating a balanced schedule that works for both study and play.

6. Organize Work Before Starting to Study

Organization is another crucial study tip that can set the stage for effective learning. Before your child begins studying, ensure that their notes and materials are well-organized. This study tip will help your child avoid feeling overwhelmed and keep them on track.

  • Break down tasks: Divide larger assignments or study topics into smaller, manageable sections.
  • Keep notes accessible: Help your child organize their notes and materials so that they can easily find what they need when they sit down to study.
Parents study with kids

7. Take Regular Breaks

Taking breaks can help keep your child refreshed and focused during their study sessions. Continuous studying without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased productivity.

  • Short breaks: Encourage your child to take short breaks every 30-45 minutes to stretch, move around, or relax.
  • Use time management techniques: Try methods like the Pomodoro Technique, where your child studies for 25 minutes and then takes a 5-minute break. This can help maintain concentration and prevent fatigue.

8. Seek Help When Needed

No child should feel like they have to tackle difficult subjects alone. One of the most supportive study tips is to encourage your child to seek help when they’re struggling.

  • Ask for assistance: Whether it’s from you, a teacher or a tutor, seeking help can make a significant difference.
  • No shame in asking: Remind your child that it’s okay to ask for help and that everyone needs assistance at some point.

9. Remember That Each Child Is Different

Finally, one of the most important study tips to keep in mind is that every child is unique. What works for one child may not work for another. Reflect on your child’s strengths and weaknesses and adapt study techniques accordingly. Don’t hesitate to ask your child’s teacher for personalized advice or strategies that may work best for your child. Recognizing and respecting your child’s individuality is key to helping them develop effective study habits. These study tips ensure that your approach is tailored to your child’s unique needs.


Helping your child develop good study habits is a journey, and these study tips can provide a strong foundation for their academic success. By understanding their learning style, creating a distraction-free environment and providing the right support, you can make studying a positive and productive experience.

At LifeVac, we’re committed to supporting families in every aspect of life, including education and safety. For more tips and tools to keep your family safe and thriving, visit our website at Together, we can help your child reach their full potential.

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